All the Plots That Could End on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale (2024)

Spoilers ahead for season six of Game of Thrones.

One thing you can’t say about Game of Thrones is that the show doesn’t know how to go epic, in the oldest sense of the word. Season six’s penultimate episode featured its most spectacular and breathtakingly filmed battle yet, including rampaging giants, a brutal phalanx formation, and literal mountains of corpses. If you doubt how massive it was, watch this short documentary about how “The Battle of the Bastards” was filmed and learn fun facts like that the charging cavalry wasn’t CGI and Jon Snow punched Ramsay Bolton in the face for ten hours to get the shots right:

Videos by VICE

Anyway, now that the battles of ice (Jon Snow vs. Ramsay Bolton née Snow) and fire (flame-breathing dragons vs. slaver ships catapulting fireballs) are over, what does the finale have in store? Game of Thrones has a reputation for spectacular ninth episodes followed up by somewhat perfunctory season finales. Yet despite how much of the budget was spent on CGI dragons and piles of dead bodies, there are still some major plotlines that need to be wrapped up in the finale. Here are some of the most pressing questions we might get answers to:

All the Plots That Could End on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale (1)

Courtesy of HBO

One of the biggest storylines this season has been in King’s Landing, where the High Sparrow and his religious army and Cersei and her zombie knight have been trying to out-position one another. The finale will likely feature Cersei’s trial—her nude walk through the city was apparently just the High Sparrow’s idea of a bail bond—and the Faith has the upper hand. The High Sparrow is manipulating Tommen like a mummer’s dragon, getting him to push Jamie out of the picture and then banning the use of trial by combat (thus nullifying her zombie abomination’s mountain-sized advantage). But Cersei still has a trick up her sleeve. In episode eight, Cersei’s right-hand necromancer, Qyburn, whispered that his spies had found something big. What could it be? Well, how about a bunch of hidden wildfire that Cersei could use to blow up all or part of King’s Landing?

This season has mentioned the wildfire that the Mad King hid under the city a couple times. Bran saw it in his Weirwood-internet-history-lesson-montage, and last episode Tyrion reminded Daenerys that her father had hidden wildfire all around the city… including the Sept of Baelor, where the faith will hold Cersei’s trial.

(It’s also possible the finale trial will be Loras’s, but that might only give Cersei more space to plot her revenge.)

All the Plots That Could End on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale (2)

Photo by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

If your favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle was Donatello, then you probably loved Arya’s story arc this season. We got to watch her stick-fight with the Waif in the House of Black and White, then stick-fight with the Waif on the streets of Braavos, all while learning a thing or two about stick fighting. Now that Arya is perhaps the greatest stick-fighter in the land and reunited with her long-lost Needle, will the Faceless Men just let her go peacefully—or will an army of assassins come after her, sticks and all?

Back when things were looking peachy in Meereen, Varys took off on a mission. The Spider is always weaving plans, so there’s a good chance we’ll see him up to something in the finale. A likely destination: Dorne. Yes, everyone hates the Dornish storyline, and for good reason. The less we hear about who “needs the bad puss*” again, the better. But even though the Dornish haven’t been seen since the start of the season, it’s unlikely they’ll stay absent forever. Plus, Daenerys will need some Westerosi allies when she finally makes her way toward the Iron Throne.

Although old creeper Walder Frey hasn’t been seen much since co-engineering the Red Wedding, he’s still one of the most hated men in Westeros both among the citizenry (who are appalled at how the Freys broke guest rights) and viewers alike. Now that the Boltons have been wiped out, it seems fitting that the Freys will start dying, and the trailer confirms that they will appear in the finale as they retake Riverrun. But who would kill him? Walder has long been on Arya’s kill list, but she’s currently stick-fighting in Braavos. One possibility is Brienne, who snuck out of Riverrun before it was retaken and wouldn’t mind some revenge for Catelyn Stark. There’s also the Hound and the Brotherhood without Banners lurking around the Riverlands, probably ready to kill somebody or other.

All the Plots That Could End on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale (3)

Courtesy of HBO

If Brienne didn’t stick around the Riverlands, she headed back to Winterfell where a certain redheaded wildling is likely working onhis sensual eating game. There’s been plenty of hate this season, so maybe the finale could show us a little love?

While Yara and Daenerys’s innuendo-laden negotiations were the faces that launched a thousand fan-fic ships, there was something a little easy with how quickly Yara Greyjoy agreed to give up her people’s entire way of life. “No more reaving, roving, raiding, or raping” may be some poetic alliteration, but how is this going to work among a people who don’t know anything else? The motto of the Greyjoys is literally, “We Do Not Sow.” Can that be quickly adjusted to, “We Don’t Not Sow”? And will the Ironborn go along quietly with this plan and change their economy into one where they make seaweed trinkets for Westerosi tourists?

All the Plots That Could End on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale (4)

Photo by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

Speaking of the Ironborn, we haven’t seen this season’s new bad guy, Euron Greyjoy, in a while. Last we heard he was building a massive fleet to chase down and murder Yara and Theon. While it should theoretically take months for a depleted Ironborn to build a new fleet, Game of Thrones has never been a stickler for timelines (Yara and Theon just sailed around half the globe in a few episodes… which kind of makes you wonder why it’s taken Daenerys six seasons to get back). Surely Theon and Yara’s escape wasn’t going to be this easy, which means there’s a good chance we’ll see a big battle at sea. If it happens, they’ll likely save the actual battle for next season, but the preparations might make a good cliffhanger.

Another possibility is Euron simply stealing one of Dany’s dragons. How? Well, in the books Euron possesses a magic dragon-binding horn. We haven’t seen it in the show, but perhaps we’ll be teased with it in the finale.

All the Plots That Could End on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale (5)

Courtesy of HBO

While Sansa got her revenge on Ramsay thanks to the arrival of Littlefinger’s knights of the Vale—an army she, whoops, forget to tell Jon Snow about before he sacrificed most of their troops and almost got trampled to death—we all know that Littlefinger will want something in return. Littlefinger made his creepy obsession with Sansa known several times, so could he demand she marry him for saving her life? Or would he instead suggest a marriage pact with Robin Arryn, the heir to the Vale who loves to throw people out of the moon door? Neither is very appealing, so let’s hope Sansa gets to enjoy some peace and single life for a change.

One of the biggest mysteries in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones is what happened at the Tower of Joy. The show teased us earlier in the season when Bran—via the Weirwood tree internet—watched a flashback of Ned Stark and his men defeating the tower’s guards and rushing toward it as someone (a baby?) cried. What secret could be inside? Most fans assume it has to do with Jon Snow’s true parents, which may mean that Tormund was exactly wrong last episode when he said, “Jon Snow is no king.” We’ll find out next Sunday. The wait is long and full of terror.

Follow Lincoln Michel on Twitter.

All the Plots That Could End on Sunday's 'Game of Thrones' Season Finale (2024)


What could be the best ending of Game of Thrones? ›

If you had to write the ending for the Game of Thrones, how would you have envisioned it?
  • Jon Snow in power. more.
  • Night King leading a world of White Walkers. more.
  • Daenerys as a Queen. more.
  • Cersei and Jaime getting married and ruling together. more.
  • No ruler, Iron throne to the ashes. ...
  • Cersei nailing it and becoming the queen.
Aug 30, 2023

How many plots does Game of Thrones have? ›

Plot. A Game of Thrones follows three principal storylines simultaneously.

What is the best plot twist in Game of Thrones? ›

Great Twist: Joffrey's Death

Fans eagerly awaited the day when Joffrey would get his comeuppance. And then finally, it arrived. In a shocking but satisfying scene, fans got to watch the wicked King Joffrey choke, suffocate, turn purple, and then die at his own wedding, before a crowd of his royal subjects.

Who is left living at the end of Game of Thrones? ›

Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, and Bran Stark are among the characters who made it through the entire series. The fates of other surviving characters, such asnBronn and the direwolf Ghost, were also revealed in the finale.

Did anyone like got ending? ›

When the HBO hit wrapped in 2019, fans were quick to voice their dissatisfaction with the show's finale. Their disappointed reactions even led to the creation of a petition calling for a re-do. Dinklage, 52, addressed the GoT finale in a recent interview with The New York Times.

What happened to Jon Snow in the end? ›

In the end, Jon Snow rejects the crown he was meant to wear from birth. Jon Snow, more a product of his nurture than nature, instead chooses the crown he earned: one that lies in the “real North,” as Tormund would say.

Who has the highest body count in Game of Thrones? ›

As of May 2019, Arya Stark earned the title of being Game of Thrones' deadliest character, racking up an estimated 1,278 total kills.

How many years did GoT Span? ›

The drama, patricide, incest, betrayal, nudity and draconology of the “Game of Thrones” books and TV series spans more than 12,000 years. No, don't think too hard about what “years” are in the fantasy realm of Westeros. Be thankful there's a point of reference at all, because it's about to get complex.

How old is Daenerys in season 1? ›

Aged 13 in the book series, Daenerys is a child bride married off to Khal Drogo. GoT ages her up to 16/17 for the beginning of Season 1. By the final season, Daenerys would be around 24 years of age, approximately ten years younger than actress Emilia Clarke. As such, Daenerys dies before reaching her 25th birthday.

What's the greatest plot twist of all time? ›

There are a couple of classic twists from classic sci-fi films (Soylent Green and Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back also come to mind); however, Planet of the Apes probably has the most shocking. The film follows the human crew of a spaceship after they crash land on a planet ruled by humanoid apes.

What is the most tragic scene in Game of Thrones? ›

The Red Wedding is not only the most unexpected Game of Thrones moment, it's one of the most shocking scenes in television history. The brutal massacre of the Stark family is sure to draw tears from fans every time, as Robb is one of the few characters standing up to the Lannisters early in the series.

Who was the most powerful house in Game of Thrones? ›

The Great Houses are the most powerful of the noble houses of the Seven Kingdoms. They exercise immense authority and power over their vassals and territories and are answerable only to the King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, with the exception of House Stark, which rules over an independent kingdom.

Who does Arya Stark marry in the book? ›

She married Gendry, becoming Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms. In addition, her brother Bran became Gendry's new Hand of the King. Arya's marriage to Gendry ultimately helped secure the North as a part of the Seven Kingdoms.

Who does Jon Snow marry? ›

While Jon Snow in neither the books or the show has had a marriage in the traditional sense, in either the customs of the Old Gods or the Seven, he was still technically married… To Ygritte. You see, in the books, we are told that Wildlings marriage customs are pretty much you kidnap a woman, she's your wife.

What happened to Sansa Stark in the end? ›

Arya and Sansa abstain, and Sansa asserts to Bran that the North has sacrificed too much to remain part of the Seven Kingdoms, declaring the North's independence. Sansa, Arya, and Bran bid farewell to Jon, who is exiled. Sansa returns to Winterfell and is crowned Queen in the North.

What is the real ending to Game of Thrones? ›

The series concluded with the Iron Throne destroyed, the old system of choosing kings and queens eradicated, Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) elected as the new King of Westeros, and Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) ruling the North as an independent kingdom.

Who has the best ending in got? ›

  • 8 Samwell Tarly.
  • 7 Sansa Stark.
  • 6 Tyrion Lannister.
  • 5 Arya Stark.
  • 4 The Hound.
  • 3 Brandon Stark.
  • 2 Littlefinger.
  • 1 Theon Greyjoy.
Feb 26, 2023

Is there a good ending to Game of Thrones telltale? ›

Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series

first of all the best ending you can get is letting Asher live side with Gwen cuz this way ludd whitehill will lose Gryff and Gwen and she will side with you if you would choose to call off the poisoning and marry her.

Is there an alternate ending for Game of Thrones? ›

And so, in this alternate ending of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow's courage and sacrifice transformed the fate of Westeros. The Night King's icy reign was shattered, the White Walkers were restored to their humanity, and Arya Stark avenged the innocents.


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